What is the minimum salary to apply for a EU blue card in Luxembourg?

Third-country nationals that want to apply for a highly qualified work permit (EU Blue card) must meet certain requirements. One of the requirements, is to have an offer for a remuneration of at least:

Option 1: 1.5 times the amount of the Luxembourg average gross annual salary or;
Option 2: at least equivalent to 1.2 times the Luxembourg average gross annual salary for work in certain professions and for which the government has noticed a particular need to employ third-country nationals.

By Grand-Ducal Regulation of 13 September 2019, the requirements have now been set as follows:
Option 1: EUR 78,336 (previously EUR 73,998)
Option 2: EUR 62,668.80 (previously EUR 59,198.40)

Please do not hesitate to contact us, should you have further questions on the highly qualified work permit or need assistance with an application.