Brexit: What British citizens need to know (and do) to stay in Luxembourg

The outcome of the Brexit negotiations is still uncertain.

Facing these uncertainties, Luxembourg has foreseen rules protecting British citizens in case of Brexit.

Depending on the outcome, either the specific rules in the event of a “Deal” or those applicable in the event of a “No-Deal” set out below will become applicable on the withdrawal date.

1) In the event of a “Deal” Brexit

British citizens and their family members (EU or non-EU) will be allowed to stay in Luxembourg under their current permit until the end of the transition period.
After the transition period, the British citizens and their family members will obtain a new permit covered by the Withdrawal Agreement.

2) In the event of a “No-Deal” Brexit

In case of a “No-Deal” Brexit, British citizens and their family members residing in Luxembourg will be allowed to continue staying in Luxembourg for a period of one year starting from the day the UK leaves the EU.

During this period, British citizens will be allowed to pursue their employment or independent activity and no further formalities are required before the withdrawal date.
After the one-year period, British citizens will be required to be in possession of a new permit if they wish to continue staying in Luxembourg after such period.
They are therefore required to apply at latest 9 months after the withdrawal date (ie three months before the end of the one year period) for one of the categories of permits available to third-country nationals:

– Employee (regular, highly qualified or ICT worker)
– Sportspeople
– Student, trainee, pupil or young au pair
– Researcher
– Family member
– Investor
– Personal reasons.

British citizens in this situation will nevertheless be exempted from certain formalities when applying for their new permit, such as the arrival declaration, the medical checks and the obligation to provide proof of a suitable accommodation in Luxembourg (the payment of the permit delivery fee (Currently EUR 80) will nevertheless remain applicable).

It should be noted that those specific rules are only applicable to British citizens that are already in possession of a valid permit in Luxembourg at the time of the withdrawal.

For any questions regarding immigration issues, please do not hesitate to contact us.