COVID-19: Emergency allowances for micro-enterprises

By Grand-Ducal Regulation of 25 March 2020, the Luxembourg Government set up an emergency allowance for micro-enterprises which have been forced to close their establishment or to stop their activity following the measures taken within the framework of the fight against Coronavirus.

The allowance is eligible to the following businesses:

  1. i) micro-enterprises with less than 10 employees and a turnover or an annual balance sheet of less than 2,000,000 euros
  2. ii) with an annual turnover which is equal to or greater than 15,000 euros

iii) that are in possession of a valid business license (autorisation d’établissement)

Certain sectors such as fishing and agriculture are specifically excluded.

Are also excluded employers who have been convicted twice for violating the provisions regarding clandestine work and companies that do not comply with the limitations of economic activities taken in the context of the fight against Coronavirus.

Eligible companies will be entitled to a single flat-rate allowance of 5,000 euros.

This allowance can be combined with other financial aids, without however being able to exceed certain thresholds foreseen by EU law.

For any questions do not hesitate to contact us.