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10 things to know when you receive a decision from an administration in Luxembourg

  A decision: Any decision of the administration can be disputed. However, a simple letter of explanation or information from the administration cannot be disputed. ...

High level of consumer protection when booking a hotel online: ECJ confirms

A recent Court decision “Fuhrman-2” of the European Court of Justice (ECJ) of 7 April 2022 (n°C-249/21) brought an important clarification on consumer protection when ...

Is a business license required to carry out a rental activity ?

In Luxembourg, certain activities are subject to a business license (autorisation d’établissement) according to the amended law of 2 September 2011 regulating the access to ...

Dismissal for long sick leave

The employer must be able to rely on the employee’s presence at the workplace. However, the employee may be prevented from attending the workplace for ...

New draft law : online incorporation of companies

A draft law (n°7968) was published on 15 February 2022. The purpose is to implement Directive 2019/1151 as regards the use of digital tools and ...

Preliminary sales agreements: What if the deadline for signing in front of the notary expires?

Most preliminary sales agreements for real estate will contain a suspensive clause stipulating that the sale will only occur if the buyer obtains a mortgage ...

Stricter conditions for private reasons residence permits

A third country national (non-EU national) who wants to reside in Luxembourg with no intention to work is able to apply for a private reasons ...

Online Platforms: adjusting the balance of power

Regulation (EU) 2019/1150 of 20 June 2019, known as the “Platform to Business” Regulation promoting fairness and transparency for business users of online intermediation services, ...

COVID-19 and rental disputes (Update December 2021)

The COVID-19 pandemic has generated disputes in all areas of the law. The disputes between landlords and tenants are no exception, especially considering the “hard” ...