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Covid-19: General meetings without physical presence

The current pandemic situation has made it difficult for board members of companies or shareholders to physically attend meetings, as this often requires international travelling. ...

Alternating child custody in Luxembourg : is it possible?

Article 378 of the Civil Code provides that in the event of disagreement between the parents, the residence of the common minor child may be ...

European Account Freezing Orders : What’s new?

The European Account Freezing or Preservation Orders (EAPOs) have not yet revealed to be a particular successful tool throughout Europe. Overview of the procedure As ...

New draft law on moral harassment at work

In Luxembourg, until now, there was no legal framework regarding moral harassment (unlike Luxembourg’s neighboring countries and unlike sexual harassment for which the legal framework ...

Obtaining Luxembourg citizenship by naturalization: How long do you need to reside in Luxembourg for?

The different possibilities for a person to acquire Luxembourg citizenship are foreseen by the amended Law of 8 March 2017 on Luxembourg citizenship (the “Law ...

Case Law on the minority shareholder claim after the 2016 Reform

Shareholders of a company are sometimes unsatisfied with the way a company is run by its management. We have seen in a previous article that, ...

Shareholder resolutions of a Luxembourg company: how long can they be disputed?

Shareholders who disagree with resolutions taken during a general meeting of a Luxembourg company, may wish to request the annulment of such resolutions in Court. ...

Challenging a Luxembourg bankruptcy decision

In Luxembourg, the legal representatives of a company can either file for bankruptcy (aveu de faillite), or a creditor can file for bankruptcy against a ...

Minority shareholders rights in Investment funds: effective litigation tools

Luxembourg is a particularly well-known jurisdiction to set up different types of investment funds, including private equity and venture capital funds. While such funds can ...