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Is it possible to combine the role of director or manager with the position of employee?

In Luxembourg, there is no clear legal restriction, for the same person, to be the legal representative of a company (e.g. being a director, manager ...

Brexit: What changed for UK citizens after 31 December 2020

Although the United Kingdom and the European reached a last-minute Brexit-Deal, the rules on the freedom of movement of people have changed significantly since 1 ...

Telework: Can an employee be dismissed with immediate effect for gross misconduct?

In recent months, given the Covid-19 health crisis, a large number of companies have resorted to teleworking, which enabled employees to carry out their work ...

Data Protection : Is consent lawfully given in cases of cookie walls or mere scrolling?

The European Data Protection Board (“EDPB”) has adopted on 4 May 2020 their latest Guidelines 05/2020 (the “Updated Guidelines”) on consent under the EU Regulation ...

Full unemployment benefits in Luxembourg: What are the requirements?

A person who is unemployed can, under certain conditions, request the granting of a full unemployment benefit, in order to avoid finding him or herself ...

FAQ: Leave for family reasons during the coronavirus health crisis (Covid-19)

Leave for family reasons was initially established in Luxembourg by a law of 12 February 1999. This leave is currently regulated by the Luxembourg Labor ...

COVID-19: Emergency allowances for micro-enterprises

By Grand-Ducal Regulation of 25 March 2020, the Luxembourg Government set up an emergency allowance for micro-enterprises which have been forced to close their establishment ...

FAQ chômage partiel en raison du Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Afin d’assister les entreprises et les salariés, nous avons listés ci-dessous certaines des questions fréquemment posées sur les demandes de chômage partiel au Luxembourg. En ...

New aid for small and mid-sized businesses facing temporary financial difficulties in case of unforeseeable events

Luxembourg has published, on 13 March 2020, a draft law (n°7532) with purpose to assist small and mid-sizes businesses (“SMBs”) facing temporary financial difficulties following ...