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New Guidelines on International transfer of data to third countries

Under GDPR, there are essentially 3 possibilities to transfer data to a country outside of the European Union (hereafter a “third country”): The EU Commission ...

Reform des Arbeitsrechts: Was ändert sich mit dem Gesetz vom 8. April 2018?

Das Gesetz vom 8. April 2018 bringt einige Änderungen im luxemburgischen Arbeitsrecht mit sich. Die Ziele des Gesetzgebers nach diesem Gesetz sind folgende (Gesetzesentwurf 7086, ...

Réforme du droit du travail : Ce qui change avec la loi du 8 avril 2018

La loi du 8 avril 2018 vient apporter quelques changements en droit du travail luxembourgeois. Les objectifs du législateur, dans le cadre de cette loi, ...

Labour law reform: What changes with the law of 8 April 2018

The law of 8 April 2018 has just made a few changes to the Luxembourg labour law. The objectives of the legislator, within the law, ...

European Anti Dumping Regulation: Latest developments

This article shall briefly explain the current climate in the European Union (“EU”) and apposite European Economic Community (“Community”) with regard to dumping legislation, inclusive ...

Authorisation of establishment in Luxembourg: Abrogation of the requests for special authorisations for big-box stores

A bill was introduced at the end of December 2017 (7228), in view of the abrogation of the specific autorisation requested for the establishment of ...

Autorisation d’établissement au Luxembourg : Abrogation des demandes d’autorisations spéciales pour les grandes surfaces

Overtime hours: Do employees have the right to refuse to work overtime?

The fact that an employer makes their employees work overtime is subject to a special regime (Articles L. 211-22 et seq. of the Labour Code). ...

Unjustified Absence : When does the employer have the right to dismiss a worker?

[vc_row 0=””][vc_column][vc_column_text 0=””]In case of sickness, the employee is required to inform the employer on the first day of sickness. Furthermore, they must provide the ...