The new law on moral harassment at work in Luxembourg is published

In Luxembourg, there was no legal framework for moral harassment (unlike in the Grand Duchy’s neighbouring countries and unlike sexual harassment, which has had a legal framework in Luxembourg since 2008).

A draft law was filed 23 July 2021 in order to provide a legal framework for moral harassment (see our article here).

The new law of 29 March 2023 on moral harassment was published on 5 April 2023.

The final text of the law remained fairly close to the original draft law. However, the definition of moral harassment has been reworded to read as follows:

Any conduct which, by its repetition or systematisation, undermines the dignity or the psychological or physical integrity of a person, constitutes moral harassment in the context of labour relations within the meaning of this chapter.

This new definition of moral harassment follows a formal opposition by the Council of State, which had noted an unjustified difference in regime between public and private sector employees, which would have constituted a violation of the constitutional principle of equality before the law. The definition of moral harassment in the private sector is therefore aligned with that, already existing, in the public sector.